Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions of membership (the “Terms and Conditions”) are effective as of March 31, 2022.

The Terms and Conditions constitute the present terms and conditions of membership with the Medical Protection Company of Trinidad and Tobago LTD. (“MEDPRO”) and replace and supersede any and all previous versions of terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of membership are updated regularly therefore members relying on these Terms and Conditions should contact MEDPRO to obtain the most recent version.


The primary objective of MEDPRO is to promote and protect the integrity of individual medical professionals that compose its membership as well as to promote the integrity of the medical profession in Trinidad and Tobago.

MEDPRO provides medical protection to its membership at the discretion of the MEDPRO executive and in consultation with any member that makes a request for medical protection in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

The application of medical protection and the provision of services shall be effected in regard to the primary objective of protecting and promoting the integrity of individual members and the medical profession in Trinidad and Tobago.

Upon receiving a request for assistance from a member, MEDPRO shall work together with that member to develop a mutually agreeable strategy for the provision of services and in particular in providing medical protection.

Terms and Conditions

MEDPRO provides claims based medical protection; members shall receive medical protection for the period of time for which they are members in good standing.  Should a claim arise after a member ceases to remain a member in good standing for a period in which the member was a member in good standing, the member is not entitled to receive medical protection from MEDPRO.

MEDPRO sets its membership rates in a manner that is equitable to the members composing each category based on the analysis of the risk of each specialty category in Trinidad & Tobago.

Certain factors including but not limited to the following will influence the delivery of medical protection services to members in the event of any adverse incident, issue or claim:

Delay in contacting MEDPRO: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to a member that delays contacting MEDPRO after becoming aware of an adverse incident, potential issue, or possible claim. Members seeking assistance or medical protection must contact MEDPRO in the shortest delay of becoming aware of an adverse incident, potential issue, or possible claim.

Professional conduct: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to members that conduct themselves in a manner which is detrimental or harmful to a patient, the reputation of the medical community, the practice of medicine, the personal reputation of a member, including the reputation of the member themselves that is seeking assistance. A member may receive limited assistance and medical protection for any request, which emanates from conduct that is intentional, negligent, represents a departure from acceptable professional practices or fundamentally lacks the duty of care or the standard of care expected.

Admission of Liability: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to members that may have provided any admission of fault, responsibility or liability or that undertake to correct an adverse incident issue or claim without the involvement or direction of MEDPRO.

Reliance on MEDPRO: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to members that represent to any individual that may be involved in an adverse incident, issue or claim if the member requesting assistance has informed an individual that they may receive compensation from MEDPRO or be indemnified by MEDPRO.

Cooperation and collaboration: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to members that refuse or fail to cooperate or collaborate on a mutually agreeable defense strategy or who refuse to follow the instructions and advice provided.

Encourage a Claim: A member that encourages an individual to proceed with a claim will not be entitled to medical protection from MEDPRO.

Misrepresentation and failure to properly disclose information: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to a member that at any time discloses false, or at any time fails to disclose or provide correct, complete, accurate and updated information to MEDPRO. Including in particular but not limited to information provided in the membership application form as well as at any time while MEDPRO is in the process of providing assistance.

Extraterritorial assistance and protection: MEDPRO will provide only limited assistance and medical protection to a member that requests assistance or medical protection for any issue, claim or adverse incident that is extra-territorial to Trinidad and Tobago.

Public health system: MEDPRO may in certain circumstances provide assistance and medical protection limited to monitoring and surveillance to a member that requests assistance or medical protection that is concerned with the public health system.
